Lyman – a leader in the field case preparation and reloading products – has introduced the most complete electric case prep system yet developed. The all-inclusive system features all the most popular case prep accessories driven by a high torque gear motor. The Case Prep Xpress allows the reloader to have 5 different case prep tools mounted vertically and powered, ready to instantly perform the desired operation.
Every commonly used case prep tool is included with the substantial 5-position power base. In addition, a side-mounted, inside neck lube station is also part of the base with 4 neck brushes and Mica lube. For easy cleanup of fouling and brass shavings, a convenient removable dump pan is designed in.
- Inside Deburr (VLD) Tool - Outside Deburr Tool - Primer Pocket Uniformer (Large & Small) - Primer Pocket Reamer (Large & Small) - Primer Pocket Cleaner (Large & Small) - Case Neck Brushes (.25, .30, .38 & .45 Cal.) - Case Neck Lube (Mica) - Removable Brass Shavings Dump Pan - Clean-up Brush